lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015

Chaos and no Dj ch.2

Man, last year I visited Carlitos, it was very cool and the ladies were very hot; actually most of them were hot, maybe 80% were cute, half were solid 8's and then there were the french, they're a whole new case, mmh... maybe I should do a file on french girls instead of doing this crap; damn, the folder now smells like my mug.

-Katy, how can I dial to Mexico? It's a Pentagon thing.
-You are not allowed to make any long distance calls since the issue with Newman's brother in law, and the Pentagon told you to stop calling them, if they need you they will find you. Maybe you can murder someone I don't like so they can page you.

Katy is just adorable, like a cool aunt who got old. - Come on Kitty Kat, who do you want out of the way? The butler? The handyman? Senator Johnson?

-My dear, would you commit a murder just for a long distance call?
-Or a long distance relationship. -I've read some novels.
-How would yo do it?
-That's the most important step: don't say how would yo do it. If I tell you, you could set me a trap.
-I think I'm a step ahead of you.
-You already killed the butler?
-Senator Johnson?
-No, I haven't killed anyone.

How does she acts so calm? I'm pretty sure she killed an idiotic alcoholic ex, I have to use all my skills as a detective: -Let's say I want to kill my wife and I put a little poison in her coffee mug at work.
-Like I been doing all these years with you? I told you as many times as you said you love me: this is the coffe we get, if you don't like it you can bring yours from home.
-I'm a lazy lover.
-I know, you have to pay special attention on the little details.
-Oh... you cut your hair! You look adorable.
-Too late sweetheart, and you are not getting that international call.
-How will I get in touch with Carlitos then?
-Use the email like a normal person, I know I'm old but even I catched up with that.
-I'm an old fashioned lover.
-That's why you don't get laid enough.
-Uuuh, that was low. Let me take you out for lunch.
-Club sandwich and a shake at Larry's.
-Larry's? I was thinking more of a kebab and a beer.
-This is not highschool sweetie, I choose, and you are not getting that call either.
-Alright, alright you win. Lunch at Larry's then, it's a date.
-I'm flattered.
-You should, this happens like every 6 years.
-What happens? A girl who lets you take her out for lunch?
-Ha.. ha.. ha, you are playing very dirty today.
-That's how you get away with murder. Don't worry, I will kill you after you pay my sandwich, then I'm gonna cut you and turn you into kebab meat; you see? it's a win-win situation.
-I'm scared, but makes sense.
-1:30 boy, don't forget; maybe you should come 30 minutes earlier so you can meet my dad.
-I'll be there with flowers and all combed up saying "Hello Mr. Insert Name Here, I came to take your daughter out on a responsible, innocent, naughty-free date at the soda fountain so we can meet each others a little better, talk about patriotism and critique the moral values from our generation".
-He would still kick your ass for such insolence.
- I'll take my chance.

Lunch at Larry's, it's like that movie "Brunch at Tiffany's", just with lunch instead of a brunch and Larry instead of Tiffany; I don't know, I never saw that movie, neither I have seen Larry, maybe there's no Larry, maybe Larry stands for something else, like the quest for good food or the search of satisfaction, maybe all we do during our mere existence is to search for Larry, then once we find Larry we will be free, but for what? Should we die once we find Larry? That doesn't make sense at all, we can still enjoy a sandwich even if we can't get fully satisfied.

If I'm rolling with any group of monks it would be a mess; life, still not fully satisfying isn't that bad, I surely would interrumpt the morning prayers with something like "Guys, can we have some french toast after this? I know where to get some great grape jelly, unless you did a jelly-free vows, whatever you call them that's cool, that's cool"; we do suffer anyway, why would we do it on purpose? Maybe there's life after death and then whoever's in charge would say:

-Man, you did lived the boring life; no, wait, you just lived and died later after. I mean, waking up at 5 am every day, no food until noon, no kisses, not even a single guitar solo; I saw it, I have all your life here on blue-ray double disc special edition 7.3 channel audio with extra scenes and the "behind the scenes" segment, I have to say your father's technique is quite impressive but you didn't bother on trying, I know because I watched it with your own memmories on audio commentary. Maaaan, I mean, just maaaan.

I wonder how it will be when I die, maybe there are different gods in charge of different group of people, like some kind if regional management; like if I died and it turned out my god was supossed to be that elephant guy and no one knows why I wasn't assigned to the right god because my file got lost between some electricity bills and...

Damn, the file. It smells like my mug.

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